A flexible solution for physicians

Transform9 is a voice and chat bot service provider that offers AI solutions with advanced natural language processing to physician practices which want the smartest call center solution — one designed to fit their exact professional needs wherever their practice takes them.

It’s about automation and efficiency

As a new start up with a relatively small team, Transform9 quickly came to realise that they’d need an efficient way to get agreements signed in a timely fashion with the minimum of fuss. As well as customer agreements, as a leading edge technology company, Transform9 also signs mutual non-disclosure agreements (NDA’s).

There was no one in the organisation who had the time or inclination to print, sign, scan and post every time something needed signing, or to waste time chasing up slow signers. “We needed a seamless way to get signatures and keep track of paperwork,” says Alan L. Creighton, President & CEO of Transform9. A review of the e-signature market followed.

"We ultimately selected Xodo Sign because we were impressed with the ease and simplicity of use, and the ability to view and execute agreements."

To automate processes as much as possible, Transform9 opted to use Xodo Sign’s API (application programming interface) to integrate e-signatures into their own applications for a completely seamless workflow.

Freeing up people’s time to do the important stuff

Xodo Sign (formerly eversign) has been in place at Transform9 for some months now. We asked Alan how it has been received by colleagues. “It keeps us on track and organised”, he said.

“Most importantly, it allows us to focus on other things, while administrative tasks are automated. And it keeps us organized with our client agreements.”

An exciting future for Transform9

Transform9 is launching Orthobot, the automated, always-on voice and chatbot virtual assistant for orthopedic practices that’s powered by the same conversational engine as Amazon Alexa.

Orthobot uses the latest in artificial intelligence and natural language processing to triage patient calls, answer questions, and schedule appointments seamlessly via phone call and web chat. It improves practice efficiency, reduces call center overhead, and increases access to care for patients.

Xodo Sign wishes Transform9 well with Orthobot, and we look forward to grow with them, automating the things that can be automated, allowing Transform9’s people to do the things they excel at.